Science Image helped CCTV’s “China Granary” program group In September, 2021

In September, 2021, “China Granary”, a large-scale financial media live broadcast activity launched by the financial program center of CCTV, came to a successful conclusion in city of Sanya, Hainan Provice. The program was broadcast in real time on CCTV at the beginning of September. NDI, SRT, 5G and other technologies were adopted on the scene of China Granary. Its powerful functions made the front-end acquisition, transmission, production and broadcasting process simplified and efficient.

First of all, Henan Broadcast TV successfully built and completed the IP virtual studio in Beijing Wuhuan hotel during the two sessions. The green screen is used as the background, and the production and broadcast virtual products are used to conduct the whole process guidance and live broadcast management of the two sessions. In combination with 5G network signals, online conference activities are completed one after another.

The program lasted three months. From the beginning of September to December, it set out from city of Zibo, Shandong provice, and passed through 12 major grain producing areas in Sichuan, Inner Mongolia, Shandong, Henan, Heilongjiang, Jilin, Jiangsu, Anhui, Zhejiang, Hunan, Jiangxi, and Hainan. It traveled more than 10000 kilometers in two months, spanning the northeast, southwest, and North China. It visited the chief administrative officials of ten provinces and regions, chatted with farmers about grain topics, and witnessed the bumper harvests everywhere.

CCTV head office gave full play to the technical advantages of “5G+4K/8K+AI”, used the Technology Bureau to broadcast a lightweight off-site financial media production system, and participated in the whole process of over 12 hours of live webcast of “China’s Granary”, with a total broadcast volume of over 10 million on the CCTV financial new media platform matrix; CCTV financial new media released more than 110 reports, with a total reading and broadcasting volume of more than 100 million times.

The on-site NDI codec uses Science Image NDI HD mini and NDI studio 4k SH and other full NDI codec integrated boxes are combined with the NDI integrated live guide system livemix to ensure the smooth progress of live program production, remote connection, live release and live broadcast. During the entire program production period, the program team can operate without obstacles for 3 months. So far, CCTV has taken the Science Image NDI codec equipment as the basic hardware for NDI acquisition and coding, So that Science Image can be officially used as the basic hardware in national TV stations to help national media.

CCTV, BTV, the National Games and other mainstream channels and financial media have gradually promoted industrial changes in one project after another, and constantly adopted NDI technology as a means of on-site production and transmission, so as to make the IP of radio, television and professional video more grounded and travel all over the country

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